IMAGE TEXT: “This is an image of many organisms, the animal Hydra viridissima (a freshwater cnidarian) and thousands of symbiotic Chlorella vulgaris cells (a green alga) that give the animal its vibrant green color! More than that, the algae provide products of photosynthesis to the hydra to give it the energy to survive when prey is scarce. In exchange, the hydra provides the algae with a safe and stable environment for long periods of time. Many algae are part of symbioses that are vital to the function of communities and ecosystems. Although we can’t see the individual algal cells in this photo, we can still see their impact. This image was taken with an Amscope T340B microscope and MU120 camera, at 20x total magnification, darkfield. The hydra itself was about 3mm long in this photo and at least twice that length when its tentacles were fully extended.”
Right column, bottom two photos
Check out Aspect Science videos: Couch Microscopy: More info down below ↴ There are a lot of big questions in science. And in biology, this remains true. When did life start? How did life begin? How did we evolve? Within the answers of each of these questions there are some important leaps and moments in evolution.
Friday 1/18/19: 4pm News at 4
Saturday 1/19/19: 6am Morning News; Pat Battle is not a fan of insect larvae!